Joanna Wyrebek (JoJo)

Joanna Wyrebek (JoJo)
Cave diver
Joanna Wyrebek (JoJo)
Cave diver

Born in Poland and currently living in the UK. Joanna is a passionate diver who started her diving journey in 2014.

Specialising as a CCR Cave and Full Trimix Diver, Joanna primarily explores the chilly depths of the UK waters, with a particular focus for wreck and overhead diving, especially the old, flooded mines scattered across the UK.

She is one of the co – founders of ‘The Cavettes’, a women’s diving group dedicated to encouraging more women to experience the thrill and beauty of cold water and overhead diving.

JoJo deeply cares for the oceans and the marine life that lives within it. She actively participates in projects geared towards preserving our oceans, such as the Ghost Nets Malta project in September 2023.
Joanna’s also a passionate and enthusiastic storyteller, often sharing her diving experiences and showing that technical diving can be fun through various mediums.

Brand Ambassador for Seacraft, Santi, DAN Europe and Ammonite


Title of the presentation: Mud, sweat and tears - UK mine diving at its best.

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Mud, sweat and tears - UK mine diving at its best
  • 13:30 - 14:20
  • 50 min
  • lectures hall 2
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